Wrestlereunion memories part 1
If you were lucky enough to be one of the 2-3 thousand pro wrestling fans that came out to Wrestlereunion in January of 2005 then I`m sure it`s a weekend you will never forget. Tampa Florida was the site of what goes down still to this day as the greatest wrestling convention I have ever seen or been apart of. The Double Tree Hotel in Tampa was the site of a magical weekend that i was lucky enough to be apart of.
It was only my second wrestling convention that i attended and still to this day nothing else holds up. Rob L. Russen and Sal Corrente were the promoters for the gigantic weekend of events and it wasn`t just one day, not two days, but a three day long convention. Fans came from all over the united states and even some from other countries.

(above photo) Wendi Richter and Jenny Taylor leaving the ring in victory
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)
The best part of this event was the intimate live wrestling show that took place in the grand ball room of the Double Tree Hotel that Saturday evening. I had the honor of sitting 2nd row on the aisle which goes down as the most fun I have ever had at a live wrestling show. Wrestlers from all over gathered for this historic live show that unfortunately due to poor filming was never released for viewing pleasure.
Opening match of the night was Rowdy Roddy Piper teaming with "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka and "The boogie woogie man" Jimmy Valiant as they defeated Col. Debeers, Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. and "Playboy" Buddy Rose (With Sherri Martel in their corner).

(above photo) The Missing Link makes his ring entrance
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)

(Above photo) Terry Funk and brother Dory Funk Jr. make their way to the ring!
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)

(Above photo) AMW - America`s Most Wanted make their ring entrance
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)

(Above photo) "The Living legend" Larry Zbyszko makes his way to the ring.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)
Second match of the evening saw "The Genius" Lanny Poffo defeat "The Royal Stud" Adam Windsor (with Dory Funk Jr. in his corner).
Match three featured The Missing Link as he defeated George South.
Match four featured Wendi Richter, Bambi, Malia Hosaka and Jenny Taylor as they defeated Sherri Martel, Peggy Lee Leather and Team Blondage (Amber and Krissy) in an 8 women`s tag team match!

(Above photo) Kamala the Ugandan Giant makes his way to the ring.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)

(Above photo) The U.S. Express, Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo head to the ring.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)
Match five featured Hacksaw Jim Duggan as he defeated Kamala.

(Above photo) "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka heads to the ring.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)

(Above photo) The Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant heads to the ring.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)
Match six featured "The Outlaw" Ron Bass and "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko as they defeated The U.S. Express (Mike Rotundo and Barry Windham).
Match seven featured The Masked Superstar (Bill Eadie) as he defeated The Grappler in a mask vs. mask match.
Match eight featured America`s Most Wanted (AMW) as they defeated Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. to retain the TNA tag team championships.
Match nine featured Marty Jannetty as he defeated Florida legend Gary Royal.

(Above photo) Joey Styles heads to the commentary table.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)

(Above photo) Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ring.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)

(Above photo) Tully Blanchard and James J. Dillon make their way to the ring.
(Photo credit: Joseph Bruen)
Match ten saw Greg "The Hammer" Valentine win a 17 man battle royal for the vacant IWA Heavyweight Championship. Participants included "Hands of stone" Ronnie Garvin, Norman Smiley, Shane Douglas, Virgil, Bugsy McGraw, Jake the snake Roberts, Bullet Bob Armstrong, The Thunderfoots #1 & #2, Scott Armstrong, Hack Myers, Headshrinker Samu, Adrian Street, Chavo Guerrero Sr. (Chavo Classic), Brad Armstrong and The Warlord.

Lance Russell

Chavo Classic (Chavo Guerrero Sr.)

Rowdy Roddy Piper

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Tommy Rogers (The Fantastics)
Check back next week for Part 2 featuring more results, more memories and more photos!