Exclusive: "The Dream Catcher" Eric Spicely

Joseph Bruen- Tell us what it was like growing up as a kid and what memories you have from your childhood.
Eric Spicely- I grew up without parents. I lived with my grandmother and she was much older. so I spent a lot of time watching tv and that's how I discovered pro wrestling.
Joseph Bruen- What were your interests/hobbies growing up as a kid?
Eric Spicely- I was really into riding my bikes and climbing trees.
Joseph Bruen- When did you first become a fan of pro wrestling and what is your earliest memory?
Eric Spicely- I must have been 8 or 9 years old. I was flipping through the channels and came across WCW. Ever since then I was hooked.
Joseph Bruen- Who were your favorite wrestlers growing up as a kid?
Eric Spicely- I liked a lot of weird not so popular wrestlers. like Men at work and the American Males. But who I really loved as a kid was Shawn Michaels Mr Perfect and Rick Rude as well as The British Bulldog.
Joseph Bruen- What would you say you stand for now as an adult for those who look up to you?
Eric Spicely- I still look up to old wrestlers. Mr Perfect and Brett Hart really influence my selling and working.
Joseph Bruen- When did you first become interested in MMA and what got you hooked exactly?
Eric Spicely- Well growing up like most kids I thought pro wrestling was real. I thought it was 2 guys fighting each other. That was dream as a kid was to be a wrestler which just seemed impossible. I saw UFC 70 on spike tv the first aired card on national tv and I was hooked, I found mma training to be more accessible then pro wrestling training.
Joseph Bruen- Explain the differences and similarities between pro wrestling and MMA.
Eric Spicely- MMA is being locked in a cage with someone who' trying to kill you. you're not supposed to show any emotion. its the complete opposite for pro wrestling. where everything is to play to the crowd. really show off your facial expressions and connect with the audience. it was really hard to transition for that reason. In pro wrestling you're working together.
Joseph Bruen- In your opinion who are the top 5 wrestlers past and present to lace up the boots in pro wrestling?
Eric Spicely- Mr Perfect, Shawn Michaels, Dynamite Kid, Bret Hart, Sting
Joseph Bruen- How did first become an MMA fighter and who was your first opponent? Explain what that experience was like.
Eric Spicely- I saw it on tv and thought to myself I can do this. My friends opponent was this guy Kemran Lachinov. I was brought it to lose. He was from a big gym with a couple guys in the ufc. They hyped him up as the next big thing and this prodigy and I came in and beat him from bell to bell. I was just going to do one fight and they ended up signing me instead of him.
Joseph Bruen- Who would you say are the top 5 MMA fighters past and present?
Eric Spicely- Mirko Cro Cop, Frank Mir, Fedor, BJ Penn, GSP
Joseph Bruen- Do you mold yourself off of any particular MMA fighter or do you take bits and pieces from different fighters you look up to? What is your style
Eric Spicely- I don't really. I fight my own way I was very influenced by jiu jitsu fighters such as Frank Mir. Im more of a grappler with almost all of my wins coming from a grappling based attacks.
Joseph Bruen- Who or what inspired you to then get into the wrestling ring and become a wrestler? It seems like a pretty normal transition to go from MMA to Wrestling.
Eric Spicely- Biff Busick. I had a co worker who was doing his camp and I went to his graduation show. He introduced me to Biff and Drew corderio and the rest is history. Biff really believed in us and helped us tremendously
Joseph Bruen- Tell us how you hooked up with CES and what they mean to you as an organization. Certainly the biggest MMA organization in New England.
Eric Spicely- They signed me after I won my first fights against a very highly hyped and talented opponent. They are huge and still growing with tv deals and getting guys in the ufc. I feel privileged to work for them. Not many guys get the opportunity to fight there and Im happy knowing ive had my whole career there.
Joseph Bruen- Tell us about your wrestling training experiences and who has helped you along the way.
Eric Spicely- Biff really got us started and really helped us a ton but it wasn't until Chuck and I starting training with Ryan Drew that things started to click and make sense. Hes helped us so much and training at the lock up in Fall River Ma has been nothing but great, A lot of dedicated wrestlers who are dying to learn and be successful. Guys like TK O'Ryan, Jason Daniels, Nicky Scaggs. And a bunch of others who come in and out.
Joseph Bruen- It`s no secret that you and fellow MMA fighter Chuck "Cold steel" O`Neil are close friends, How did you two first meet?
Eric Spicely- He came to our gym to get ready for a fight and weve been best friends ever since. Its crazy how beating each other up brings you closer together.
Joseph Bruen- Tell us about your pro wrestling ventures and where the roads have brought you thus far.
Eric Spicely- They brought me to tag teaming with my best bud chuck and working matches at Beyond Wrestling with legends like Drew Gulak and his brother Rory.
Joseph Bruen- How different is the training schedule and regimen between MMA and Pro wrestling and how do you make enough time for both?
Eric Spicely- I train 6 days a week and usually wed train pro wrestling once a week.
Joseph Bruen- Do you see yourself making it to the top in the MMA world known as The UFC?
Eric Spicely- I do. Ive trained and done well with a lot of UFC guys. I have no doubt in my mind I can compete there and win.
Joseph Bruen- Where do you see yourself in the wrestling world in 3-5 years?
Eric Spicely- Hopefully having fun and traveling the world with my best friend.
Joseph Bruen- When Holly Holm locks up with Ronda Rousey in what could be the most anticipated rematch in recent history, who do you pick and why?
Eric Spicely- I pick Holly Holm. Shes a complete fighter and she already has a win over Ronda. That will play big time in the mental aspect of the fight.