New England Fan Fest 7 is coming!!!
New England Fan Fest 6 is in the books and the 7th annual event has already been announced to some degree. We now know that the date will be Friday and Saturday June 7th and 8th 2019. The location will be announced in just under a month, but you can at minimum mark your calendars and get ready for some huge announcements.

Connecticut Power Fit Expo has been confirmed as the official sponsor for this event. They will exclusively be teaming up with New England Fan Fest 7 to put on what will be the greatest New England Fan Fest to date! There will be a full Super Ticket lineup of talent being announced in the months to come, starting in August. Most of the talent are already confirmed and we are simply getting everything in place and ready to be announced!!
We will announce the venue for New England Fan Fest 7 in July and then starting in August, there will be one Super Ticket guest announced each Monday prior to RAW!!
Friday June 7th 2019 we will kick off the Fan Fest weekend with a VIP dinner (details coming soon). The Fan Fest itself followed by the New England pro wrestling Hall of Fame Induction ceremony will both take place on Saturday June 8th 2019 (details coming soon).
Vendor booths will sell out quickly and should be going on sale some time in July/August 2018. We will not be able to hold any booths, so first come first serve.
New England Fan Fest has been able to deliver a lot of "Firsts" over the years and 2019 will be no different! Keep checking back for new details as they come in at