Empire State Comic Con debuts this weekend!
Get ready Comic Con fans, Empire State Comic Con is getting ready to take over Albany, New York this weekend in it`s inaugural event. Don`t let the word inaugural fool you as the organizers of this Con are no strangers to running events. With other huge events under their belt such as ComiConn, Terror Con and Rhode Island Comic Con, this will be yet another addition to their already busy year!

Altered Reality Entertainment presents this big event that will take Albany, New York by storm. The event will be held at the Albany Capital Center April 6th-8th 2018. Doors will be open this Friday from 3pm-9pm and then on Saturday from 10am-7pm and closing out the weekend on Sunday from 10am-5pm. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door!

There will be something for everyone at the event including Artists, Vendors, merchandise, Celebrities and Celebrity panels, Cosplayers and everything in between.
For all updates through out the weekend and any other information you may be looking for, visit their website at www.escomiccon.com and we will see you there this weekend!!