New England pro wrestling Hall of Fame spotlight "Rich Palladino"

Rich Palladino made his debut as the ring announcer for the late, "Boston Bad Boy" Tony Rumble's Century Wrestling Alliance on October 23, 1993 at Wakefield High School in Wakefield, MA on a card that featured The Iron Sheik, Tony Atlas, Tommy Dreamer, Vic Steamboat and Taz. He also served as play-by-play announcer with Damian Demento on that same card. He worked for the CWA and then NWA New England (also promoted by Rumble) until shortly after Tony's passing in November of 1999. On February 3, 1996, Rich was invited to ring announce the Eddie Gilbert Memorial Brawl in Cherry Hill, NJ, a card held to honor the late "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert that featured such greats as Dory Funk, Jr., Jerry "The King" Lawler, Tommy "Wildfire" Rich, Jim Cornette, Al Snow, Dan Severn, Tommy Gilbert (Eddie's father) and Doug Gilbert (Eddie's brother). Palladino worked as ring announcer for the original ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling) from November 1996 through January 1999 for all of their New England events. Rich had the opportunity to announce two World Tag Team title changes when The Dudley defeated The Eliminators on June 20, 1997 and when Doug Furnas & Philip LaFon defeated the FBI on Dec. 5, 1997. In his 15+ years, Rich has had the opportunity to work for several promotions including the aforementioned as well as NECW, WWA, IIW, Yankee Pro, MWF, EWA, NWW, Pro Wrestling World-1, Powerhouse Wrestling, PWF NE, UWF, PCW, WSW, UCW and many others.

Rich was inducted into the Class of 2008 for the New England pro wrestling Hall of Fame. In 2010 he returned as an inductor as he had the honors of inducting the late "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka into the New England pro wrestling Hall of Fame Class of 2010.
In 2014 Rich joined on as the official Co-Host of the New England pro wrestling Hall of Fame induction ceremony alongside host Howard Finkel, a role he has filled ever since!

Rich not only Co-Hosts the ceremonies, but he also Hosts many of the Q&A sessions over the years as part of New England pro wrestling Hall of Fame weekend known as New England Fan Fest. Rich has become a permanent fixture at the hall events and I wouldn`t have it any other way.